Having lived in the area for more than a year now, I developed a habit of associating neighborhoods by their respective Metro stations. Chinatown was here, Smithsonian was there and Metro Center was, say, two stops away. This was really helpful in learning the city, but I've since discovered that many of these locations are right next to - like within a couple blocks - one another.

So I'm challenging myself to walk and explore the connections between each neighborhood. Today I left my office on Vermont Ave and 14th street and heading toward (and past) my closest Metro, McPherson Square. What I found beyond the Metro was the White House, right there. Who knew I was literally a stones throw from the president (not that I would throw a stone!) each day I came to work.

Still messing around with Soundcloud ... feel free to listen while you check out the photos below.
Darlene and I had an awesome time Saturday with friends and fellow expats, Andy and Lindsay. We met at their house in DelRay for drinks, food and conversation before heading to Nationals Park. Here's a quick look at the highlights. First the food:
Here are a few shots of everyone enjoying the warm weather, beer and the trip over to the game:
And a few from the game:
We capped the evening off with a few beers at Pour House before heading home. For Darlene and me, we also made a quick stop at Chipotle in Rosslyn. Spring is definitely here, as is baseball season, warm weather, cook outs and everything else that comes with it.
Just playing around with Soundcloud to upload and share audio files online. Find me at www.soundcloud.com/riethja.
"I still believe we can do what's right."
First night with the folks in town went well. After picking them up from the airport we headed over to Liberty Tavern in Arlington for some great food and drinks. I had a couple Founders Porters on draft. It was good but I think the coffee stout Andy and I made together was better. We sampled a bottle of it when we got home - pops agreed.
So now we're gearing up for a day of fun in this beautiful weather. Right now I'm rewatching Obama's awesome speech at George Mason on healthcare reform and sipping some coffee from Quartermaine. Today's schedule is as follows:

1. Pick up Darlene's wedding ring from Charleston Alexander
2. Check out the National Harbor (site of ceremony and reception)
3. Coffee tasting at Misha's in Old Town
4. Dinner at La Tasca in Old Town (site of rehearsal dinner)

I'll report back later. Cheers.
Okay, so I'm really not interested in rehashing every detail of my life over the past 10 months, and I don't want to go on about how I'm been so bad about blogging. If you've checked the site you know I've been bad at blogging!

Here's what you need to know: I'm getting married in two months; still in DC; made it through a couple blizzards and concluded that I hate the snow more than almost anything; switched jobs and now work for a nonprofit that advocates for human rights for the disability community; going to the gym frequently; nearly certain that I am happier now than I have ever been at any point in my life.

The 'rents are in town this weekend. I'll post some photos about our adventures!

I came home this past Tuesday with a buzzcut. Darlene was surprised, to say the least, and not incredibly thrilled. What she failed to see is what a total badass I looked like with my new haircut.

All I need now is a little ink to complete the look, right? Maybe a neck tattoo.

Here's a few shots . . . what do you think?