Our first Cherry Blossom Festival . . . we wanted to take full advantage of our proximity to D.C. and the National Mall, so Darlene and I invited several friends over for drinks, food and a walking tour of activities around the Mall and Tidal Basin.

Our guests, including Thomas, Kim, Megan, Greg, Gina and Lauren, arrived shortly after noon at our apartment. As we geared up for the fist day of the National Cherry Blossom Festival, we fueled our bodies with cupcakes, Sweetwater and lemonade.


A quick walk and Metro ride over and we found ourselves at the Washington Monument, site of the Smithsonian Kite Festival. Although most were children, some adult enthusiasts were also sailing a variety of colorful kites into the sky. Due to poor planning on my part I wasn't able to participate.

And on to the Cherry Blossoms! We walked from the Washington Monument over to the Tidal Basin and the Jefferson Memorial, which was quite a hike but well worth it. Even though it was the first day of the festival many of the trees had begun to bloom and the tidal basin was lined in pink and white Cherry Blossoms.

Sadly, we don't have more pictures, but a few of us made it out afterward for drinks, sushi and more drinks at Cafe Asia in Rosslyn, and Galaxy Hut in Clarendon. Shout out to Thomas and Kim for lasting the entire day and making the long haul from Charlottesville, Va. We'll return the trip soon, I promise!


It's so hard to believe the temperature here in DC reached 68 yesterday. It was just days earlier when I was freezing my butt off in ORLANDO! for a a client trade show. I took advantage of the wonderful weather and set out on a walking tour of Rosslyn. Here are some photos.